[Snapshot Henchman] is a gallery of screenshots taken from GuildWars, a MMORPG with some of the most beautiful locations you’ll ever come across in a computer game. Especially in Tyria, entire zones have been created with no in-game purpose but to look stunning. From the quaint little unnamed fishing village in Wizard’s Folly to the otherworldly beauty of the Realm of Torment, Guild Wars’ scenery is one of the best aspects of the game, so I thought it would be a nice, if insane, idea to screencap the game and share them with the rest of the Internet.
At 6989 screenshots, it's reasonably finished, though I do still plan to do Sorrow's Furnace and maybe Domain of Anguish and the Underworld, but I think that's it. In the meantime, I’ve made up a how to guide to taking good looking screenies in GuildWars, so you can polish up your own techniques.
Also? This place is HUGE. It will genuinely take hours to browse every image, so here, have some handy download packages.
Most of all, though, just enjoy the pretties. I know I do.
General Nimay [Snapshot Henchman]
I Got Girl Parts [ZOMG]
Sunday 2 August 2020 Ooze Pit added to the Depths of Tyria, completing that gallery, yay!